Autumn layers.

Hello my lovelies,
I know it's a bit late but I wanted to share this outfit with you. I love autumn, but sunny autumn with fallen leaves in all those beautiful colour, I love autumn without rainy days and this day was just perfect. I wore this cardigan which is so cozy, I could wear it all the time. I went to the coffee with my mom and she took those photos, so thanks mom <3
I think this day was last pretty day this year, it's December in few days so we are expecting the snow.
Tell me what do you think about my outfit? Do you like autumn?


I was wearing:
Dress - Zara
Sweater - Sister's
Bag - Vicenza
Sunglasses - Mango
Denim jacket - Zara

October & November favourites.

This post will be very quick since I'm already late! I'll show you some of my favourites for this fall/winter, and there are some many things!
All of my favorourites will be sorted in two groups, fashion and favourites. Also, I'll show you some things that are on my wishlist! 
Since, this is fashion blog I should probably start with fashion favourites.

Hello weekend.

Its finally weekend! This week was a nightmare, so many exams, all day studying..  I couldn't wait for a bit colder days to wear this vest, and finally today I got a chance to wear it.  My mum gave me this vest and it's really old and my mum used to wear it in her twenties, so it has some special value  to me. Vests are must have this season especially if they are grey or camel. I also like this scarf because it gives that '70s to me look since I'm already wearing this coat and boots that are kind of '70s inspired. 

Ova sedmica je bila nocna mora, cijelodnevno ucenje, testovi, ali.. napokon je vikend!  Nisam mogla docekati malo hladnije dane da nosim ovaj prsluk.. ili kaput? Kako god. Danas sam ga prvi puta nosila i obozavam ga. Ovakvi prsluci (ili ti ga kaputi) su must have ove sezone, a posebno u ovoj camel boji ili sivoj! Volim ovu maramu jer daje vibe '70ih godina posebno s ovim cizmama i prslukom! 

I was wearing:
Vest - vintage
Boots, jeans - Zara
Bag, sweater - Springfield

Is it Monday already?

Good morning, lovelies. 
Monday is here already, but I'm not complaining since weekend was really relaxing, I went out for a drink with my friends and done some really important stuff for school. Last night, I had a movie night. I've been watching some old James Bond movies and drinking hot chocholate with marshmallows. Any better companion for watching movies than a cup of hot chocholate? How was your weekend?
But, let's go back to the outfit. As you can see these Zara boots are my favourite, they can really be worn in autumn but also in spring, maybe even summer if it's a bit colder? And the sweater, lately I'm in love with V neck sweaters, they are so romantic and girly but also warm and cozy. I love how they look with brallete underneath.. And when we talk about accessories, my favorourites at the time are brooches! I really like Chanel ones, they are so timeless, but you can also find more affordable ones, like this one from Zara
I hope you'll have amazing week, 
xoxo, A.

Burgundy autumn.

''Dizajneri zele da se oblacim poput proljeca, ali ja se ne osjecam poput proljeca. Vise se osjecam poput tople crvene jeseni.'' - Marilyn Monroe. 

Nakon duuugo vremena, ponovo sam tu! Bordo boja je moja omiljena za jesen oduvijek! Jesam li jedina koja kada cuje 'bordo boja' pomisli na jesen? Vjerujem da nisam. Jednostavno ona se uklapa, ona je dio jeseni!  
Koja je vasa omiljena boja za jesen? 

xoxo, A.

White in Rosenheim.

Zdravo dragi moji,
nakon nekog vremena ponovo smo tu s novim postom! Ovaj post je malo drugaciji od ostalih, kao sto vidite lokacija nije ista kao do sada, ove fotografije su sa mog predivnog putovanja u Rosenheim. Kombinacija je dosta lagana i udobna iz razloga sto sam cijeli dan bila na nogama, tog dana bilo je pakleno toplo, hodali smo ulicama grada, istrazivali i naravno shoppingovali! Zaista je bilo predivno.
Post je nesto kraci jer zurim u skolu. Kakvi su vasi utisci? Da li vam je skolska godina dobro pocela?

xoxo, Ajla.

Hello lovelies,
todays post is a bit different because photos are taken in Rosenheim, a lovely city in Germany. My outfit is comfy because I had to walk all day long. This day was really beautiful and extremely hot, we were walking around the city, exploring, shopping.. We really had great time there.
Post is a bit shorther because I'm in a hurry, I have to go to the school. What do you think about new school year? Are you already bored and exhausted? :P


Goodbye Summer.

Novi mjesec nam je stigao.Da li se radujete?
Ja bas i ne ,jer je dosao kraj mog odmora i vracanje starim obavezama. Danas zelim da vama podjelim djelic atmosfere, ma gdje god da se nalazite mozete osjetiti malo zelenila kojii je oko mene. U ovom postu cete vidjeti,sta jedem kada je jako toplo ,sta radim i ostalo...Mozda se pitate kako sam provodila svoje dane ovdje, a odgovor je jednostavan, opustala sam  se i upijala  svu ovu ljepotu oko sebe. Ovo je bilo par dana prije nego sto je skola krenula. Zeljela sam  da vam pokazem moj vjerovatno omiljeni kupaci ove sezone, ovaj dvodjelni model sa volanima i sitnim detaljima.
 Kako vam se cini?

Yellow Thursday.

Dobro jutro, dragi moji. Dok pijem svoju jutarnju kafu i divim se ovom predivnom vremenu, pisem vam ovaj post. Danas sam vam htjela pokazati ovu boho zutu haljinu. Znate da je zuta jedna od mojih omiljenih boja i da ju jako volim kombinirati. Danasnji outfit je dosta jednostavan i mozete ga iskoristiti za neku setnju, kafu s prijateljicama i slicno.. 
Ovoga puta odlucila sam se za cipele sa leopard printom koje daju malo boje outfitu, dodala sam i par aksesoara koji ce ,takodjer, uciniti outfit zanimljivijim! 
Kako vam je prosao prvi dan skole? Da li se radujete novoj skolskoj godini? 

xoxo, A.

Good morning world! I'm drinking my morning coffee and admiring this beautiful weather while writing this post. Today I wanted to show you this boho yellow dress that I'm in love with. She is comfy yet really chic. I paired it with these leopard print shoes, and they are really effective if you ask me, they can give every outfit some colour and fun. Also I added some accessories to spice everything up. This outfit you can wear for coffee with your friends, for walk around the city...
How was your first day of school? Are you looking forward to a new school year?


I was wearing: 
Dress: H&M
Necklace: LINDEX
Shoes and bracelet: PRIMARK

Relaxing day.

Zdravo moje drage dame.Ja uzivam u suncanim danima kojih je ostalo sve manje.Ovo ljeto je toliko ludo ako je rijec o modi.Zato ga toliko volim .Za danasnji otfit sam napravila nesto malo drugacije.Umjesto majce obukla sam jednodjelni kupaci sa sorcem i preko bijela kosulja.Kao sto mozete da vidite na nogama ne nosim nista jer ljeti obozavam da hodam bosa .Ovaj veliki sesir je moj veliki favorit za ovo ljeto.Nadam se da vam se svida ovaj nacin outifa...

Fifty shades of green.

Konacno je subota, dragi moji! Planiram da se bas odmorim ovog vikenda s obzirom da skola pocinje sljedece sedmice. Ovaj outfit sam nosila prije par sedmica, kada je bilo malo hladnije. Volim mijesati nijanse zelene, posebno ljeti. S obzirom da sam naglasak zeljela staviti na zelenu boju, ostatak outfita bio je veoma neutralan. Dopada mi se kako mermer izgleda na fotografijama, a vama? 

Finally Saturday, my lovelies! And I am planning to take it easy this weekend, I will be relaxing since school is starting next week. I love mixing greens, specially  for summer, but in other seasons also. I wore this outfit few weeks ago when it was a bit chilly. Since I wanted green colour to be on a highlight the rest of outfit was pretty neutral. I love how those marble stairs look on the photos, do you? 

I was wearing: 
Blazer: JAKE*S (now on sale!)
Trainers: CONVERSE