Look Of The Day.

Sretan ponedjeljak svima! 
 Kako ste proveli vikend? Znam da cijeli svijet mrzi ponedjeljak, ali ja moram biti iskrena, ja ga malo i volim. Zato sto u tom danu treba da budemo najinspirisaniji, najmotivisaniji i da isplaniramo sve svoje ciljeve za nedelju ispred nas.. Nek vam svako jutro pocne sa osmjehom,pa makar to bio i ponedjeljak. Nego da se vratimo na temu ovog posta i ovu prelijepu cvijetnu suknju koja ima svoju pricu. Kada gledate ovu suknju mislite da sam je kupila u nekoj prodavnici, ali ne, dobila sam je od svoje nane na poklon. Na njoj jako su mi se svidjele njene boje, ali kada sam saznala da je ovu suknju nosila moja pra nana na svom vjencanju svidjela mi se jos vise. To je na neki nacin bio slican stil Coco Chanel. Uvijek kad je obucem dosjetim se te male historije o ovoj suknji. Taj dan u kojem sam nosila ovu suknju bio je toliko los da me je posjetio na jedan od jesenskih dana, zato sam se I odlucila za srebrni dzemper sa ovom suknjom…. Cijela kombinacija je prikladna za dogadjaje u avgustu. Uz sta biste vi nosile ovu suknju?

xoxo,Dz .

Happy Monday everyone!

 How was your weekend? I know that the whole world hates Mondays, but I have to be honest, I like it a bit.Because in this day should be the most inspired, most motivated and to plan all of your goals for the week ahead ..Let you every morning starts with a smile, even if it was and Monday. But getting back to the topic of this post, and this beautiful floral skirt, which has its own story.When looking at this skirt you think that I bought in a store, but that's what I got from her grandmother as a gift.In it really I liked its color.But when I found out that this skirt is worn my great grandmother on their wedding day.I liked it even more.It is in some way similar to the style of Coco Chanel.I always wear it when I think of these little history about this skirt.That day in which I wore this skirt was so bad that I visited on a fall day.That's why I opted for a silver sweater with this skirt ....The whole combination is suitable for the events in August. With what would you wear this skirt?

Xoxo,Dz .

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I was wearing:
Sunglasses : C&A
Bag : H&M
Shoes : H&M

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